The Third Anniversary Challenge

A Fancy Dress Ball

Justin pulled the mail out of the slot for the loft and carried it upstairs with him. He was returning from a meeting at the gallery after his show. As one of the "Emerging Young Artists of Pittsburgh" many new doors were opening to him. He had a lot to think about. He wondered if he and Brian could survive him going to New York for a few months, maybe a year. Everyone was pressuring him to do that. He wasn't sure if he was ready to find out the answer to that question.

Letting himself into the loft, Justin got rid of his jacket and carried the mail over to the counter. He flipped through the envelopes noting that most of them were addressed to Brian, and most of them were bills, the usual crap. At the bottom of the pile, however, was a square envelope of obvious quality. Justin turned it over and found his name written in beautiful script on the front. There was no return address.

Curious as to who would be sending him something in an envelope like this, he gently eased it open trying not to rip the paper. The envelope was made of a creamy thick stock with a pinky tinge to it. Inside, it was lined with gold metallic. He pulled out the stiff card that the envelope contained realizing that it was an invitation of some kind. He wondered who was getting married.

The card read:

All Hallow's Eve

The pleasure of your company is requested

For a fancy dress ball


1142 Vandemere Circle

10 pm to the wee small hours

RSVP 555-9666

Justin read the invitation three times before he really got it. He was being invited to some kind of masquerade at this posh address, but no name was given for the host. That was what was missing. He frowned wondering who had sent the invitation, and why he was the one receiving it. He considered that it could be the result of his participation in the art show. Maybe someone important had been impressed with his work and had decided to invite him to this party. But why hadn't the person given their name?

He would have to talk to Brian about this and see what he thought. Brian was the one who usually got invitations to this type of function, not him. For some reason he felt slightly disconcerted by the invitation. He laid it on the counter and decided that it could wait until Brian got home from work.

Some time later Brian arrived home to find Justin working on his computer. "Creating another masterpiece?" Brian asked as he leaned down to look over Justin's shoulder and give his partner a soft kiss.

"But of course," Justin replied as he kissed back.

Brian headed up to the bedroom to change his clothes. When he reappeared he went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"What do you want for supper?" he asked Justin.

"Surprise me," Justin said with a grin.

Brian picked up the phone and ordered the usual, but Justin didn't know from what restaurant, so it would be a surprise.

"You picked up the mail, I see," Brian said noting the pile of envelopes on the counter.

"Mostly bills, and an unusual invitation."

"Invitation to what?" Brian asked picking up the envelope and card.

"A Hallowe'en party."

"I hate those fucking things."

"I'm not sure you're invited," Justin chuckled.

"Then it can't be much of a party," Brian smirked. He read the invitation. "Doesn't the host know enough about etiquette to identify himself?" Brian asked tossing the offensive piece of paper onto the counter.

"It's kind of a weird invitation," Justin admitted joining Brian at the counter. "I wondered if I should RSVP and try to find out who's throwing this shindig."

"You want to go?" Brian asked in amazement.

"It might be interesting," Justin said slowly.

Brian snorted. "Not bloody likely."

"Do you think I should call?"

"Suit yourself," Brian said abruptly and went to pour himself a drink of something stronger than water.

Deciding he would suit himself, Justin picked up the phone and dialed the number on the invitation.

"Amazing Parties Incorporated," a male voice answered.

"Um … I'm not sure I have the right number," Justin said hesitantly having expected to be connected to someone's house.

"Oh, you've definitely called the right number if you're interested in a party," the voice replied.

"Um … who is this?"

"I'm Jacques of Amazing Parties, and who might you be?"

"I … I'm Justin Taylor and I just received an invitation with this number to RSVP."

"Ah, of course, and you will be attending, Mr. Taylor?"

"Um … maybe. Could you tell me who is throwing this party?"

"No, I could not."

"But you must know," Justin said with a frown.

"Of course I know, but I am not at liberty to say. That will be revealed at midnight at the party."


"So, may we count on your attendance?"

"Um … it didn't say if I could bring a date." Justin glanced at Brian who rolled his eyes. He was obviously listening.

"Why of course you can."

"But the host does know I'm gay? That I would be bringing my boyfriend."

"You may bring whomever you wish."

"Then I guess I'll be there."

"Thank you for your prompt reply," Jacques said and the line went dead.

Justin looked at the receiver a moment before he set it back on the base. This whole party seemed rather weird.

"So I guess you're going to this hoedown?" Brian smirked.

"And you're going with me."

"I didn't say that."


"I don't like surprises. I like to know what I'm getting into."

"Since when did you become Mr. Conservative?"

Brian snorted. "I told you that I hate Hallowe'en parties."

"But we could find something great to dress up as."

"And it will not be some fucking woman!"

"Does that mean that you'll go with me?" Justin asked flopping down on Brian's knee on the sofa.

"I can hardly let you go off into the unknown all by yourself. What kind of partner would that make me?"

"I love you," Justin said giving Brian a long, slow kiss. "Now all we have to do is find the right costume."

The buzzer indicated that dinner had arrived so they cut their discussion of costumes short. They'd figure something out later.


The night of the party Brian was late coming home from work. With Gus gone to Canada with his moms, Brian hated Hallowe'en more than ever. Although Brian had agreed to accompany Justin to this extravaganza, he had refused to go and try on costumes. He had let Justin pick out something for each of them … with a few stipulations. The conversation had gone something like this.

"I will not dress as a woman, and neither will you."

"Yes, Brian."

"I refuse to look ridiculous, so no big wigs or tights or any of that shit."

"Yes, Brian."

"I will not be some cartoon character."

"Yes, Brian."

"I do not want to be some sort of monster or sci-fi extraterrestrial or Freddy Kruger. I hate blood and gore."

"Yes, Brian." When Brian didn't say anything more, Justin ventured to say, "Um … is that all?"

"I think that about covers it."

"Then why don't you just put on one of your Armani's and go as an ad exec," Justin griped.

"What's your problem?"

"You've just about eliminated every type of costume that I might have picked."

"I'm sure you'll find something … or maybe I will wear the Armani. I could go as a rich jet-setting playboy cruising for a good lay."

"You're hopeless!"

Brian had merely smirked then, and now they were ready for the big unveiling. As Brian came into the bedroom he saw the two boxes containing the costumes lying on the bed. Justin sat beside them.

"You're late. I thought you weren't going to come at all," Justin said sadly.

""I always come," Brian retorted. The look on Justin's face told him he should amend that statement. "I said I'd be here, and here I am."

"Maybe we should just forget this."

"That's fine with me."


"Okay, okay, let's see what you picked out."

"I think you'll look really great in this," Justin smiled lifting the lid off one of the boxes.

"I can hardly wait."

Justin gave him a look. He turned back the tissue paper revealing a pile of black clothing.

"At least you got the color right," Brian said with his tongue in cheek.

"Try it on."

Brian began undressing and then donning each piece of clothing as Justin handed it to him. The last piece was a flowing cape.

"You look … great!" Justin gasped.

"Of course I do," Brian smirked adjusting his hat. "Zorro, at your service, senor!" Brian replied making a sweeping bow in Justin's direction. "So let's see you in your threads."

"Um … I hope you like it," Justin said hesitantly taking the lid off his box.

"You better not be the young senorita that I have to rescue."

"No," Justin said indignantly. "You told me neither of us could be women."

"So, who are you?"

"Go downstairs and I'll show you when I'm dressed."

Brian gave a long suffering sigh and made his way down to the bar cart. He thought he could use a stiff one before this fucking unveiling. He saw Justin disappear into the bathroom and close the door. Brian somehow got his cape wrapped around one of the bottles and almost had JB all over his outfit. After a mild curse he polished off his Grey Goose and poured himself another one. He sat down on the sofa wondering how long Justin would take.

The ring of the phone brought Brian out of his reverie about why the fuck he was going out dressed as Zorro.

"Hello," he said into the receiver.


"Hey, Sonny Boy, how are you?"

"I'm good. I got lots of candies, Daddy."

"I bet you did. Don't eat them all at once."

"I won't. Mama won't let me."

Brian chuckled. "That's good, Gus. Did you dress up?"

"I'm Superman!" Gus shouted.

"Uncle Mikey would be so proud," Brian smirked.

"Did you dress up, Daddy?"

"Actually I'm wearing my costume right now."

"Are you Superman too?"

"No, I'm Zorro."

"Who's Zorro?"

"Maybe your mother can take you to see the movie soon."

"Brian," Lindsay's voice came on the line.

"Hey, Lindsay. Isn't the little guy up kind of late?"

"He was so excited about all his candy and his costume. He couldn't sleep, and he really wanted to talk to his Daddy. I'm surprised you're home."

"We're going out shortly."

"Is Justin there? Gus is hanging on my leg asking to talk to him."

"Just a minute."

Brian carried the phone up to the bathroom. "Are you ready, Sunshine? Gus is on the phone and he wants to talk to you."

The door to the bathroom opened a slit and a hand reached out. Brian placed the phone in it. The door abruptly closed. He could faintly hear Justin talking to Gus.

"Hurry the fuck up, Justin," Brian called over his shoulder as he went back to the sofa. He poured himself another drink.

Some minutes later Brian heard the bathroom door slide back. He stared across the room not wanting to spoil Justin's surprise until the boy was ready to reveal himself.

"Brian," Justin said tentatively.

Brian turned and saw Justin standing at the top of the stairs. His mouth curled into a smile. "Why, Rage, what are you doing here?"

Justin stood at the top of the steps wearing the Rage costume that had been designed for the movie in Hollywood. He had had it altered so it would fit him. He wasn't that much shorter than Conner James, and it hadn't been hard to do. The costume had been the only thing he had asked Brett Keller for. He thought it was the least the man could do for him.

"Do you like it?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"Hmm," Brian replied. "Shouldn't I be wearing that?"

"I got the costume from the movie. You're much bigger than Conner James … in all respects," Justin giggled. "It was possible to cut it down a bit, but not to make it bigger."

Brian chuckled. "I'll take that as a compliment although I already knew it to be so." He couldn't help but smirk. "Turn around," Brian ordered. Justin pivoted at the top of the steps. Brian groaned.


"That ass of yours was made for spandex … or should I say made to be ripped out of spandex."

"Hey, no ripping," Justin protested. "This could be worth some money someday."

"How fast can you get out of it?" Brian demanded suddenly serious.

"Brian," Justin cautioned. "We have to go. I want to be there before midnight." He could see Brian's cock straining inside the tight Zorro pants.

"And what I am I going to do with this?" Brian asked gesturing above his cock.

"If you put on your sword and start driving, I'll blow you in the car."

"Deal," Brian said without a moment's hesitation.

About a half hour later Brian's Corvette pulled up in front of a large mansion on Vandemere. The valet opened the door and Brian climbed out grabbing his sword from the back. Justin got out the other side and the valet whisked the car away.

"You know, you should wear that costume more often," Brian said kissing Justin's cheek.

"So you can admire my ass?"

"No, so you can give me one of those blowjobs on demand."

"You liked it?" Justin grinned.

"I thought I was going to drive off the road a couple of times," Brian admitted.

"And you think this suit had something to do with it?"

"There was a certain Rageian quality to your tongue action."

"I'm JT in case you've forgotten."

"Tonight you're Rage, although I'm thinking of putting you up for permanent promotion."

Justin laughed as they made their way up the steps. Inside the front door Justin handed his invitation to a man at a table.

"Ah, Mr. Taylor. I'm Jacques. I believe I spoke to you on the phone."

"Hello," Justin nodded.

"May I ask who your guest is?"

"Brian Kinney."

"Of course. Enjoy the party."

"Is our host around?" Justin asked still wanting to know who had invited him.

"All shall be revealed at midnight." Jacques gave a smarmy smile.

Brian pulled Justin aside. "That guy is creepy. What the fuck kind of accent is he putting on?"

Justin laughed. "Emmett says he's trying to be the Hungarian princess that Liza Doolittle affected in 'My Fair Lady'."


"I called him to find out what he knew about Amazing Parties Incorporated."

"And had he heard of them?"

"Oh yeah! Apparently they're his main competition. He doesn't think much of Jacques either, but he is very successful."

"I hope it's a fucking open bar," Brian griped.

"Come on, Zorro, let's go see."

The whole first floor of the mansion had been given over to the party. There was dancing in the largest room which could only be described as a ballroom. Grinding together, Brian and Justin put on a show for a few minutes before going exploring to the smaller living room where people were sitting around chatting. The variety of costumes was mind boggling, but most of the guests could not help but notice the handsome pair in their tight fitting togs. Finally having explored all the rooms except for one door that seemed to be locked, they were about to go back to the bar.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," Jacques approached them. "Our host has just notified me that he would like to speak with you, Mr. Taylor. He's in the library," Jacques said indicating the door they had just tried. "Please go in."

Brian and Justin looked at each other.

"I'm not going in without you," Justin said fear suddenly gripping his stomach. There was something about this that he didn't like.

"That will be acceptable," Jacques said turning the doorknob and opening the door enough for the two men to enter.

They could see a fire burning in the fireplace but the room appeared to be empty. There were several small TV's that showed pictures of the various rooms of the party.

"Have a seat," a voice said from somewhere.

Justin looked at Brian. He was ready to run, but Brian grabbed his hand and they sat on the small loveseat at the side of the room. They did not want to be separated.

Suddenly a nearly invisible door in the opposite wall opened and the figure of the grim reaper entered slowly.

"How original!" Brian reacted figuring that they were dealing with some hack if that was the best costume he could come up with.

"Shut up, Kinney!" the voice said from deep within the hood.

"Who, who are you?" Justin stammered feeling what could only be described as dread.

"You don't recognize my voice?" the man said.

Justin shook his head. "Why did you invite us in here?"

"I was going to do a public unveiling, but I thought I might enjoy your private reactions more," the voice said. Suddenly the man's hand came up and tossed the large hood back over his shoulders.

"Ethan!" Justin gasped.

"The one and only!" Ethan Gold smirked.

"Is … is this your place?"

"Absolutely! I've done very well for myself. I took your advice about being poor, Kinney. I don't intend to ever be poor again."

"That makes two of us," Brian muttered.

"So why are we here?" Justin asked with a frown. There was something so not right about all this.

"I just thought you might like to see what you could have had if you stuck with me instead of … the slut of Liberty Avenue."

"Ass…" Brian started.

"Brian," Justin interrupted trying to stay calm. "I could never stick with someone who lied to me."

"Oh, that's right. Kinney is the paragon of virtue, and I'm the cheating boyfriend. Well, so are you, Sunshine!" Ethan retorted unable to keep the venom out of his voice any longer.

"I think we should go," Justin said starting to stand up.

"Not yet," Ethan responded moving in front of Justin and making it difficult for him to stand. "I have some things to show you."

"Like what?" Justin asked wearily sinking back onto the loveseat. His hand searched for Brian's but the man seemed to be fascinated by the sight of Ethan. His hands were clenched in his lap.

"First, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend," Ethan said haughtily. The same door Ethan had come through opened and a young man in his early thirties entered the room. Ethan took his hand and pulled his head down into a long, intense kiss.

"Are you trying to make me puke?" Brian demanded.

Ethan released his boyfriend, laughing at Brian's apparent discomfort. "This is Gerhardt. We met in Germany a few months ago. He's very rich and we adore each other."

"How lovely for you," Brian said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You know, Justin, I really did love you back then."

"Yeah, right."

"You always had such an unrealistic view of the world. You thought this piece of shit was the be all and the end all." Ethan flicked his wrist at Brian. "What kind of judgment is that?"

"The right kind," Justin declared.

"Is that why you keep running back to him? How many times has he kicked you out? How many times have you left him? You know it's never going to work," Ethan said enjoying the look of hurt that came over Justin's features as his words sunk in. "In fact, I have it on good authority that you're about to leave Kinney again. It serves the two of you right. You'll never be happy."

"You don't know anything, Ethan."

"Oh, I know lots. I know that Kinney has lost his son and his best friend and the mother of his son and now he's about to lose you. Can we say 'LOSER'?"

Brian stood. "I think that's quite enough. I'm leaving."

"Can't take the heat, Kinney?"

Brian felt his hands ball up into fists. He refused to let this greasy little fiddler provoke him to violence. "Are you coming, Justin?"

"Want to hit me, Kinney? Or did you lose your nerve when you lost your ball?"

Brian wheeled on Ethan, his fist raised to slug the slimy little rat. Suddenly the hand fell down by his side. "As much as I'd love to beat the shit out of you, I wouldn't want to splatter blood all over your rented mansion. And I'd be afraid of getting some incurable disease if I got your fucking DNA on me."

Brian marched to the door where they had come in.

"Justin," Ethan said, "don't go with that loser again."

"The only loser here is you," Justin replied as he walked towards Brian. "I wish you and Gerhardt every happiness. I'm sure you deserve each other."

"You'll be sorry," Ethan called as Brian opened the door. "He'll fuck you over just like he did before."

"You mean just like you did?" Justin called over his shoulder.

As soon as they were through the door Brian slammed it behind him. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

They quickly made their way to the front entrance and handed the parking tab to one of the valets. Brian paced back and forth.

"I'm sorry for bringing you here, Brian. I had no idea."

Brian continued walking back and forth. "Where the fuck's the damn car?"

"Brian…" Justin began but stopped when he saw the look on Brian's face.

The Corvette pulled up and Brian got quickly in behind the wheel. For a split second Justin wasn't sure Brian was going to wait for him to get in beside him. He had barely closed the car door when Brian gunned the engine. With tires squealing they flew down the driveway and into the street without stopping.

"Brian," Justin said trying to get his seatbelt buckled before Brian drove the car off a cliff. "Brian!"

"Who the fuck does that mealy-mouthed little asshole think he is?" Brian ranted. "I should have knocked his fucking teeth out. Why the fuck did you have to get a plastic sword to go with this fucking costume?"


"I can't believe he had the nerve to talk to you, to me, to us, like that! He's got to be fucking crazy."



"Please, pull over and calm down. You're going to kill us," Justin begged as they went through another stop sign. Thank God it was late at night and there was next to no traffic.

Suddenly Brian slammed on the brakes and the Corvette came to a screeching halt against the curb.

"Brian, I didn't know it was Ethan. I swear."

"I know you didn't know. I just can't believe he suckered us into his trap."

"He's nuts. I don't know what he was trying to do."

"Yes you do," Brian retorted. "He was trying to drive a wedge between us. He still has feelings for you, and he fucking hates me!"

"You may be right, but he can't drive a wedge between us. We're too strong."

"Are we?" Brian looked into Justin's eyes not sure about that at all. "You are going to leave me again. You're going to New York any day now."

"But that's different. We've talked about it. We can make it work. We have to make it work."

"I've never been any good at relationships, let alone long distance ones."

"You've been pretty good at your relationships with me," Justin said trying to put a positive spin on things.

"Oh right, relationships - plural! We have some history, don't we? Ian was right. Either I'm kicking you out or you're finding a good reason to leave. We're hopeless."

"We're not hopeless at all. I love you and you love me. We're meant to be together. Ethan can't change that, no matter what he says. He's just sorry he doesn't have what we have."

Brian reached over and pulled Justin into his arms. "I wish I could fucking believe that."

"You can," Justin breathed against Brian's neck.

"Do you regret not staying with Ethan?"

"Are you fucking kidding? He was the worst mistake I ever made. The only regret I have is that I ever left you in the first place."

"Do you think we can survive New York?" Brian whispered all of his fears contained in that simple statement.

"I'm sure as hell going to give it everything I've got."

"Me too."


"I want you," Brian whispered sucking on Justin's neck.

"I want you too, but let's go back to the loft. It's kind of cramped in here."

"You could blow me on the way back," Brian said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"I think that could be arranged, if you promise to drive the speed limit and not go off the road when I make your eyes pop out of your skull."

"I promise," Brian smiled.

"And I'll even let you rip off the Rage outfit."

"You will?"

"I figure you earned it by not killing Ethan."

"Hm, the side benefits of pacificism," Brian mused. "Oh fuck!" he gasped as Justin's mouth encircled his cock.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Justin said releasing Brian's dick and looking up at his lover as the car sped along.

"Forgot what? How to suck cock?"

"No, Senor Zorro, forgot to tell you that you can't rip Rage off me until we take a picture."

"What, so you can remember what the costume looked like?"

"No, so we can send it to Gus. I promised."

"Fuck! I'm not sure I can wait that long."

"I'll make it worth your while," Justin promised as he began his work on Brian's dick. He was sure that he could time Brian's orgasm for just before they reached the loft, and then he could get the photo before Brian proceeded to fuck him into the mattress.

As Brian was gasping from his orgasm and trying to get the car to stop at some appropriate spot, Justin smiled in satisfaction. "As good as the one on the way to the party?" he had to ask.


"Let's get that picture for Gus and then you can start ripping," Justin grinned pulling Brian into the loft building.

Brian wondered what he was going to do about his dick while Justin was away. It had gotten very used to the techniques of a certain blond, and nothing or no one else measured up. Maybe by next Hallowe'en he would have Justin back with him where he belonged.

Brian's morbid thoughts were distracted by the sight of Justin's ass running up the stairs ahead of him. He let out a mighty groan.

"Come on, old man. We need a picture and a fuck," Justin said glancing back at Brian.

"Several fucks, Sunshine, several fucks."

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