Bleeding Emotions

Chapter 10

The weekend passed entirely too quickly, for both of them.

The pair spent the rest of the weekend just loafing around Justin's apartment watching movies, making out, eating, and sleeping in each other's arms. It wasn't until Monday morning rolled around that Brian realized it was his dream weekend.

Brian had to leave Justin's warm embrace and go to school. He gave Justin a long, languid kiss before heading out the door, promising to call after his shift at the diner.

Brian opened the door to the main house quietly. He stuck his head in the door and saw his father passed out asleep on the couch. He took a step in the house, sighing in relief. He closed the door behind him and walked to the staircase. The bottom step creaked under the weight of his foot. There it was again, the fear.

The captivating, all encompassing fear that coursed through his veins every time he found himself in his parent's house. It was real, as tangible as the railing he was currently clutching onto. He usually avoided it at all costs, but he needed the light from his bedroom to study. He felt his eyelids trying to slide shut and he yawned as he shook it off. He leaned against the wall and looked at his watch, 10:23. He rolled his eyes. Going to the school, working at the diner, and keeping up with his studies was really wearing him out. He constantly felt as if he was on auto-pilot, just retracing the same steps day in and day out. He was tired, but he wasn't all too sure if it was just that, or if he was tired of his life. He lifted his foot up to the next step and put all his weight on it. It creaked and he winced, cursing under his breath. He hoisted his bag up onto his shoulder and took two more steps before he heard a groan from the direction of the couch. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and his body tensed.

"Hey sonny boy."

Brian's hands curled into tight little fists and he let out a long whoosh of air. He felt his stomach tighten and his heart thump against his ribs. He paused for a second and then climbed another three stairs. He looked up the staircase, the narrow space lengthening to infinity before his eyes.

"Brian, get your ass down here."

He slowly turned on his heels and descended down the stairs, blood rushing behind his ears. He let his book bag drop to his side, still clutching the strap in his fist like a weapon.

"Yes? Da." The last word was forced through clenched teeth, sliding off his lips in a low growl. He stood tall, suddenly grateful for the four inches he had on his father. It felt good to look down on him.

"I need you to go to the store and get me some cigarettes. I'm out." Jack didn't even bother to look up at his son as he rolled his tired old body to a sitting position on the lumpy old sofa.

"What? Da, I just got home from work. It's almost eleven, and I got up at seven in the morning. I need to study. I need to sleep so I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Can you please just go yourself?"

Jack looked up with anger in his wide, glazed over eyes. He stood to his full height and when he realized he was looking up at his eldest child, his anger tripled. He took a step forward and swaggered back and forth, momentarily losing his balance. Brian sighed and shook his head at the pathetic man in front of him.

"Did you just say no to me?" Jack asked in a drunken slur.

"No. I was just asking you if you could just go yourself. I need to study," Brian replied in a soft, even tone. Jack rolled his lips into his mouth and raised an eyebrow. Brian blinked.

The first punch came in contact with his right eye. It surprised Brian and he fell to the floor. He felt blood run down his face and into his mouth. He clutched his hand to his eye and winced as he tried to sit up.

"Da, stop." Jack's boot came in contact with Brian's ribs and he was sent sprawling to the floor again. He couldn't do this, not tonight. Another blow to his ribs knocked all the remaining air out of his lungs and he was left gasping for breath.

He felt tears well up in his eyes and he heard his father laughing. The sound broke his heart.

"That's it." Brian jumped to a standing position and swung at his father. His fist came in contact with his jaw and he fell back on the sofa. He stared up at his son in awe. Brian stood strong, his chest heaving up and down with each breath.

"You little shit." Jack swiftly jumped up from the sofa and Brian didn't feel so strong anymore. Jack punched him in the mouth and Brian felt blood fill the orifice. He spit it out on the floor, but it flowed freely down his face. Another punch landed on his other eye and he again fell down with the force of it.

A sob escaped his bloody lips as Jack kicked him repeatedly, showing his ribs and stomach no mercy. Brian grabbed his father's boot and pulled his leg out from underneath him, sending him crashing to the floor. Brian scrambled to his feet, coughing up blood and gagging. He stumbled for the doorway but was grabbed by his father.

"You think you're a man because you hit me? You're not a man. You're a worthless piece of shit that no one will ever, ever want." Jack punctuated his statement with another punch to his face. Brian stumbled and tripped over his bag, sending him sprawling backwards.

The railing for the stairs crumbled as his body was slammed into them. His head hit the wooden step and he felt warm liquid seep into his hair, as his vision grew blurry. He held out his arm and cried out as Jack approached him once more.

"That'll teach you," Jack spit in his face. He stepped over Brian's limp body on the stairs and climbed up. Brian heard the bedroom door slam shut.

He didn't know how long he laid there, splinters of wood digging into his skin. Finally, he sat up. Every muscle in his body protested the action. He stood up and brought his hands to the sides of his head, trying to steady himself. He felt like he was swimming. He managed to grab his bag and make it out to his car.

He was never going back.


Justin sat on the couch in his living room, feverishly working on a sketch. He was curled up in a little ball, balancing his sketchbook on his thighs. His hair fell in his face and his expression showed his determination. He and Brian took shape on the page below him, entwined together on the bank of the stream, their own secret spot.

He was so into the sketch that he didn't hear the phone until the third ring. He excitedly tossed the sketchbook on the table and dove for the phone. Brian told him he'd call when he was off work. He brought the receiver to his mouth with a big grin.


"Hello Justin." The voice was cold. Justin's smile disappeared immediately. He felt fear and panic rise up in his chest and he gulped. He felt a chill run down his spine and his stomach turned.

"How the fuck did you get this number?"

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