Tender 2

He was fascinated by the color; a warm brown against the pale peach of flesh. Reaching out slowly he brought his fingers close, but did not make contact.

Rethinking, he drew his hand back and leaned forward, using the tip of his tongue to taste the almost perfect shape.

A soft sigh and sudden shift stopped him and he drew back again, fearful.

Another sigh, then silence.

He stared at it, moving as close as he could until it blurred, a small fuzzy spot in his vision.


A flaw.

A reminder of how fragile illusions could be; how easily perfection could be proven false.

He reached out with a single, tentative finger and touched it. Smiling at the reality of it. It was soothing and comforting.

Something they could share; tiny flaws.

It could be his neck that bore that spot, a small brown circle that darkened the skin but didn't weaken the soul within. Such gentleness and such strength, despite the flaw. Someday, maybe, he could be like that too.

Zeke had taken care of Gabe and the others, given them a little of their own back after school. Zeke made things better, made them right. The flaw had not been a weakness. Zeke was strong in spite of it.

The mark proved it.

It was up to him now, to accept the tenderness, the gift of comfort and the lesson of strength. It would make things better. It would help him heal.

Casey pressed his lips gently against the spot, barely more than a whisper. Tender kisses as a thank you for a tender lesson.

It was a start.


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