Steamer Trunk Adventures 3



Blaine was having a great day. Not only had he gotten out of rehearsal early enough to stop at Kurt's favorite thrift shop, but he'd found the perfect gift, and he hadn't even gone into the store.

There had been only one other car in the store's parking lot and he'd barely noticed it until the car's owner had let out a cry of dismay. She was a small woman, older than Blaine's mother and not nearly strong enough to handle the huge steamer trunk she was trying to wrestle out of her car by herself.

He'd offered to help, and together they'd managed to get the trunk out of the back seat and around to the back where they balanced it on the bumper while they rested.

Blaine couldn't help but admire the trunk; it was worn, but appeared to be in good condition with a colorful assortment of stamps from around the world decorating its top and sides. He couldn't help but think that Kurt would love it, even if the woman had no idea what it held. A lost key wasn't much of a problem, was it?

And that was when inspiration struck. He felt a little awkward asking the woman if she intended to sell the trunk, and even more so when she confessed that she had no idea how much to charge. In the end it was the contents of his wallet that settled the matter; it probably wasn't enough for such a nice steamer trunk, but it was all he had, and she seemed content.

He had backed his car up to hers and it was much easier work to transfer it to the back of his SUV than it had been to take it out of her Camry. They'd thanked each other again and he left, placing a quick call to Finn on the way.

Thankfully, Kurt was still out with Mercedes. It gave Blaine enough time to get to Kurt's house and have Finn help him carry the trunk inside. Finn would probably complain, but he'd still help.

He drove the rest of the way to Kurt's house with a big smile, singing along to every song on the radio, even the commercials.

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