Beware the Silverware - Continued

The first package arrived three weeks after the wedding. It was from the king of Francshire, sending his best wishes and a serving spoon. Yuuri passed it off as another one of those Mazoku traditions he'd never understand and refused to touch the spoon.

The next day three packages arrived containing more well wishes from guests and more silverware. Yuuri let his husband open the boxes and managed not to freak out until he was in private.

The next day seven packages arrived.

By the end of the week an entire room was taken up with boxes and crates of silverware sent by well-wishers. All of it matched.

Yuuri refused to go into that room. He started muttering to himself.

Wolfram alternated between smiling indulgently and screaming, pausing only to talk soothingly to his rounded middle. The word "wimp" was used more than usual.

Gwendal knitted eight stuffed animals and started an afghan.

Conrad polished off his personal stash of wine and spent most of his free time looking for Yozak's. Conrad's smile grew more lop-sided as the week progressed.

They were all grateful for news of Heathcrife's visit. They didn't expect him to bring a caravan loaded with boxes and crates.

Greetings were exchanged and Heathcrife signaled to his men to start unloading the wagons. "The allies all agreed that we wanted to do something to show our appreciation." His smile almost outshone his shiny head. "You've done so much for all of us. And since we noticed the lack of silverware at the wedding reception..."

"Look," Wolfram enthused as he peered into one of the boxes. "It's the rest of the Deluxe Castle Entertainment Set." He held out the card for Yuuri to read. "4,000 pieces."

Yuuri’s scream could be heard all the way to Bandarbia.

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